Beyond the Western Deep: Volume One Review

Beyond the Western Deep (Vol. 1) is a great start to what could be a great series.

Rating: 8/10

Beyond the Western Deep is the story of four fictional kingdoms each made up of different animal species. The first volume focuses on only three. Quinlan is a captain in the kingdom of Sunsgrove, but he usually stays away from battles. Dakkan is one of Quinlan's best friends, and Dakkan's father, Kenosh is the general of Sunsgrove.

100 years before any of this happened the world was at war and eventually a treaty was signed, causing the four kingdoms to become a reality, but Hardin (the antagonist), wants to take back some of the lands that were rightfully part of his kingdoms. The only problem is some of that land is owned by the Canid kingdom. So, Quinlan, Dakkan, and Kenosh are dispatched to negotiate with the Canid's general Clovis.

The art in this story is amazing. The coloring and background really bring the characters and world to life. The writing is spot on and makes you get attached to the characters quickly. Rarely the plot is predictable, but the overall result, in the end, is a well-drawn, well-written, and wonderful world. Fans of Redwall will adore this series.

For Parents:
Language: One use of "bloody" and one of damn.
Violence: Two characters fight during a training session and one of them wind up knocked out. Many characters are killed off-screen, and sometimes their corpses are seen briefly in the background. A character is beheaded off-screen. A major character is wounded. A character is stabbed in the back. Two characters spars, resulting in one covered in blood and the other dead. Blood is shown. The Violence is about a PG-13 level.
Drugs and alcohol: A scene takes place in a tavern and many of the characters are seen drinking.\

OK for 11 and up
Watch the movie version here (credit to Elson Wong):
Most of the series is available as a webcomic @:

Copyright April 6th, 2017 The Review Cafe
