Legion Season one review

Legion is a trippy, addictive series that will change the superhero genre.


Legion is the story of David Haller (Dan Stevens), who is a mutant with incredible powers. He is also Charles Xavier's son and has most of his father's powers. The story begins with David in a psych ward, diagnosed with schizophrenia, but its a lot more than that. David quickly meets a girl in the ward known as Syd, who coincidentally has powers as well.

Legion was created for FX, by the Emmy-winning writer/creator Noah Hawley (Fargo). What makes Legion so addicting is an incredible confusion, because you are never sure if the world shown on screen is real, or if its just part of someone's mind.

Overall, Legion is an original series and will probably redefine the superhero tv genre. Anyone who liked Fargo, American Horror Story, or Agents of SHIELD will like this show.

Legion is also the first tv series created based on the X-men universe, although it is not directly connected with any of the films. The whole season is on FX, and is renewed for a second season.

For Parents:
Language: two uses of f-ck (bleeped off), a few uses of sh-t, hell, damn, ass, d-ck, p-ssy, piss, b-tch (The language makes this series suitable for older teens.)
Sex: Some sexual references (a male and female character swap bodies, and briefly talk about it afterward.) One sex scene (no nudity was shown), male and female rear nudity in a couple of episodes. One character is gay. (The sexual content makes this series suitable for older teens.)
Violence: There are numerous scary visuals when characters go inside David's head. A woman is tortured with leeches, (mostly offscreen) a few characters are shot. A character's head is crushed from the inside, along with most of his bones. (graphic) A man has a pen stabbed through his cheek. David kills several people by trapping them inside walls. Some remain alive for some time. (half of them is stuck in the wall and half is not). (The violence makes this series suitable for older teens.)

Legion is rated: TV-MA LSV
It is suitable for older teens.
