Felidae Movie Content Review

I've already done a movie review for the film Felidae, but I thought I would review the content inside of it. To see if it is appropriate for some ages. This will be a regular thing now. From now on I will release film reviews with a full critique and parent's review.

For a Critique review please visit: http://articlesstoriesandreviews.blogspot.com/2015/07/felidae-movie-review.html


Language: Use of s-words, damn, hell, piss, b-stard, and uses of a-- and smarta--

Sexual Content: References to cats being sexually excited. For a while the protagonist thinks the killer is a "sex machine" the killer is not. A cat tells another that a murder victim couldn't "get it up anymore". Nude people in paintings in a couple of scenes in the background. In a very skippable scene cat's mate. No needed dialogue is exchanged. Reference to castration.

Violence content: A cat is found with his throat slashed, another with it throat slashed and bones showing. Cats fight a mouse is crushed under a cats paw. A cat is found with her head severed from her body. Several cats are used as guinea pigs for experiments. Somewhat graphic images show them squirming and bleeding. One has its head cut open and acid is dropped on it. A pregnant cat is found and her throat and belly are slashed revealing what would have been her kittens. A cat jumps at another cat and the cat puts his claw up and cuts his attackers belly open. In a dream a cat is banged repeatedly against a wall. No blood is shown. In another dream a cat is on a field of dead cats all zombie like, some with guts hanging out. Highly disturbing. Cats commit suicide for a bizarre occult.

Drug and alcohol: Briefly we see humans drink or smoke.

Other: This film has a big following because it is an adult animated feature. It is very scary and disturbing and it also, has an acquired taste.

Conclusion: Felidae is not a film for children or even young teens. I would recommend it for teens 16 and up. If you are a fan of animation it would please you to know that all of the animations in the film were done by hand. Overall this film has a good story and is highly thought-provoking for mature teens on the topic of genocide, even if it is cats.

Rated: R (the film didn't have a rating in the US, but Germany rated it R)
