World War Z Content Review (Book)

Summary: This book is very well written. When I first read it I did not expect it to be written as a journalist would write.(That means interviews with different people.) The journalism gives it a different element that most zombie books don't have. Instead of hardcore non-stop graphic violence, we are treated to a drama as well as an adventure.

If you're not a lover of zombies than don't read this book. It's as simple as that. All zombie books can get pretty graphic. You should also know that World War Z is an ADULT book. It's not too graphic for zombie loving teens.

The language is definitely the major adult element in this book. Although, some of the most graphic violence and sexual references are adult too. No young adult book should have this much language. That is probably why it's in the adult.

I recommend World War Z for teens who can handle some Gore. Although, it's not always present you need to be able to sit through some scenes of blood and guts. Anyone who watches The Walking Dead is probably fine with reading this.

Language: About 35 uses of f--k, 1 or 2 paired with mother. Four uses of c--k, two paired with sucker. One use of c--t. Many uses of hell and damn. Some uses of s--t, one or two uses of t-ts, p-ssy, and d-ck.
Overall a lot of language. Since the book is written as a journalist's interview some scenes contain no language. Other times very strong language is used. It all depends on what person the man is interviewing.

Sex: References to rape, masturbation, and pornography. No one engages in sex in the book. One of the people interviewed says that he found a woman naked (she is dead) and that he had often sexually fantasized about her before. Rarely, f--k is used sexually.

Violence: Due to the way the book is written the violence comes in spurts. Some of the interviewed don't even mention zombies. Others, have very violent encounters. A man is impaled on a tree after he parachuted from a plane. Later, his friend finds him and he is being torn up by zombies. That scene is one of the most graphic scenes in the book. She has to shoot her friend. Zombies pile up until they form a wall. The body count is pretty high for zombies and humans, but there are less human deaths described in the book.

Drugs and alcohol: Some drinking, usually not to excess. None of it is underage. Smoking too, only cigars.

Other: Sometimes other than being graphic, certain deaths can be upsetting. These deaths can also, be pretty gross. It is a zombie book so sometimes zombies are described and it's also gross. Sometimes people steal stuff, make bad remarks, etc.

Age Rating: 15 and up
