Logan Review

Logan is a poignant violent western that takes the superhero genre to new places.


Logan tells the story of Wolverine and Charles Xavier (professor X), in 2029. Most of the mutants are dead or hiding, and the X-men are gone. Wolverine taking the name Logan, for most of the film, is a limo driver trying to raise money to buy a boat so he and Charles can live out their last years on the ocean.

Logan is also finding that he can't heal as well as he used to. He meets a Mexican nurse who is harboring a strange mutant girl named Laura, who we later discover is X-23. The nurse wants Logan to take her and her "daughter" to a safe haven so, she won't be killed or captured by an evil corporation after her. (Transigen/alkali)

Logan is a very emotional movie. Unlike most superhero movies, Logan seems very focused, (thanks to James Mangold's great directing), and doesn't become as generic as many other superhero films. Every kill Logan makes has a reason, and its never for revenge. He's always protecting someone, or himself. This makes the film even better.

Another part of the film that I liked was the mysterious, futuristic element of the film. Logan owns a 2024 Chrysler, and most Semi-trucks are automatically driven by AI. I also like the mystery of what happened to the X-men, and Charles slowly degenerating brain.

There is some Oscar buzz, about Logan getting best picture, and Jackman and Stewart getting best actor, and best-supporting actor, and I believe this film deserves it. There will be other Oscar bait films, but Logan should at least be nominated. This is also Dafne Keen's (X-23) first film and I think she did an incredible job alongside Jackman, and Stewart. Also, kudos to Boyd Halbrook who played a sinister villain, and Stephen Merchant who made Caliban such an interesting and funny character.

In conclusion, Logan is an amazing superhero film, probably one of the best superhero films ever made. (56th top rated on IMDb) Logan is in theaters now and stars: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Boyd Halbrook, Dafne Keen, and Stephen Merchant.

For Parents:
Language: numerous uses of f-ck (one paired with mother), uses of sh-t, ass, bitch, damn, and hell. The language makes this movie suitable for an older teen audience.
Sex: A man's rear can be seen through the glass of a telephone booth as he changes, and a woman breasts are glimpsed for a moment when she pulls down he dress.
Violence: Realistic, bloody comic book violence. A kid commits suicide, a bloody home invasion, a man is shot point-blank in the face. Wolverine gets shot many times and we see the bullets pop out of his skin. Laura is shot with a harpoon. A man has his neck broken and is electrocuted to death. Scenes of torture. References to mutant kids being put to sleep (killed). The violence makes this movie suitable for an older teen audience.

Logan is rated R for Strong brutal violence, language throughout, and brief nudity.
I do not recommend it for kids under 16.
